Monday, December 06, 2004

Continuation... Hahaha.....

I just remembered more things I wanna blog abt, heeheehee...
Oh ya, then I also asked my mom abt my nai3 nai3... My wai4 gong1's mother... And I was like wondering abt nai3 nai3 de1 lao3 gong1 leh... I never saw him b4... Then she said he died very young or whatsoever then in a way I was like, OH I never had the chance to ask nai3 nai3 abt that... Anyways then the way she say "you still remember nai3 nai3 arh..." and things like when I was a baby, my nai3 nai3 would shake me shake me... You know those cradles... Then I'm like... Maybe that's what makes me sort of "connected" to her in a way though I remember few things abt her... I dunno lar... Then I also asked abt quite a whole load of other relatives that I've never seen nor remembered... And it was like OMG OMG~~~

Oh then she told me every Chinese new year I would play fire crackers with my biao3 ge1... Then end up both of our clothes got holes all over... = = That must have been really fun. :D But I remember none of it...

Anyways then I remember there was this teacher who really dote on me as well~bWaHaHa. Cuz I'm too cute le HAHAHA. No lar, as in, anyways, I remember that, as always, I'm very shy with teachers. :$ But she continues to go on abt "you're leaving huh... that's so ke3 xi1" and all that... Then my mom was like "reassuring" her - She will come back etc. etc. I LOVE everything abt me when I was young, really. And therefore I think it was a PERFECT childhood that I had, one of only few memories that I'll be clinging onto every second and letting it run thru' my brain whilest I forget abt other past experiences etc. etc... I still love myself now, but there ARE parts of me I don't quite like.

Then there was this er4 gong1 who smoked but whenever he wen past my house, he would give me money, bWaHaHa. That's what I remember him for. :P

I dunno lar~I like that feeling of being doted upon. Yepyep. (: And that's why I'm willing to think and care abt them so much, at least in the "mental" sense. And that's why in this circle around my heart, they'll be the closest ones to me. Yepyep. Hehhehheh.

Anyways, then I was also going on with my mom abt...

No one can be with you forever, things can always happen... So nobody should really rely so much on anyone else. Ultimately all of us have our own problems to deal with, by ourselves. That's my life motto as an only child, at least. I believe in being STRONG. Yepyeps!

Anyways then there was this bike I had, I drove it on 2 wheels when I was bigger... Then being a 逞强 and 爱面子 the person as I was, I even tried riding it with this... Secondary/ University neighbour behind me... Obviously I failed terribly. =.= But coming to think abt it, that sort of feeling was TOTALLY AWESOME. The roads aren't that huge therefore I've never seen a CAR coming in all my life... And it totally feel like I OWN this place as I rode through all those paths smoothly... I run around A LOT when I was young, I remember. Then my mom said that those places where I used to fish are being used for commercial purposes now... :(

Dunno lar~I'm sure everyone's growing up fine and doing well. (: Life is full of changes... But things will always turn out to be better! For eg. I can grow up get a degree land myself in TW, HAHAHA!!!

I really think TW is the IDEAL place for me, to live out my entire personality totally. Singapore, afterall, is an English society and yes I am a by-passer here. Places like TW and China will be where I'll feel I belong, yepyeps! :P



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