Monday, November 01, 2004

Done My Ancestors Proud

Yes, we saw SINGAPORE IDOL at Parkway today. It's like AT FIRST for me I did notice this guy wearing light orange shirt, then I thought: Ee? Looks rather familiar, the hair... And then that's all that occured to me, cuz I didn't find him shuai4. Then when peeps start yelling SYLVESTER then I OH!

Anyways then they start becoming parapazzies... So BC lor. Go up and down escalators. And I figured we could start playing the game of "target is moving in ne-direction blah blah blah...".

Anyways OK lar, I think I was very calm lor. In fact I was TRYING to calm those raging hormones now... HAHAHA!!! Anyways after this encounter, personally I HAVE a good impression of the Orlinda (?) and Leandra (?). OK I dun even know how to spell their names bcuz the ONLY ONE SINGLE EPIDSODE I TRIED to watch was the auditions... Got the Jesse and the Maya one I think. ANYWAYS, because both of them are REALLY friendly. Putting their arms around you for a photograph, and Orlinda was like, asking abt our O'lvls, chatted a lil with us... The Leandra too, she had this really nice smile... Both of them have really warming personalities and that's really a like... SHINE-out point for new yi4 rens2 I think... Heeheehee.

And my MP3 PLAYER HAS DONE ME PROUD, BABY. Love you - iRiver ifp-1095.
It's like ORLINDA was curious abt my mp3, and was asking abt it and fiddled with it a lil. Then Leandra was like that is a camera...? Then I think Dan or someone told her it's an mp3 then she said obviously she knew that... And I think she was also like asking where is the lens... Omg that's so cool~YOU'VE DONE ME PROUD, my mp3 player~!~!~!~~~I'm a PROUD OWNER of iRiver ifp-1095, bWaHaHa!!!

I think it is... BY FAR, the only mp3 that can TAKE PHOTOS, baby. (:
Can record voice too... OH YA!!! Zao3 zhi1 dao4 I XIAN4 CHANG3 ask them qing1 chang4 a CHINESE S.H.E title (more tu1 po4 mah...)... But later scarly they NEVER EVEN HEARD of them... HAHAHA!!!

Bcuz personally I dun watch the show at all except for that once, I think I'd support Orlinda & Leandra. :P Yepyep. That's the way yi4 rens should be model after, I think. Dare to entertain and showcase, and FRIENDLY, approachable, yet you SIMPLY SHINE on stage and make the crowds go crazy, overwhelmed with passion... bWaHaHa!!! I think all yi4 rens should be professiona to a standard that, you may b shy or even feel inferior normally, but once you're on the stage and singing - You forget abt everything, you just ENJOY what you're doing there, singing to the crowd - MOVE them... Blah blah blah...

Anyways, I can't imagine HOW CRAZE UP I'd become if I REALLY run into S.H.E SOMEDAY. I'll go MAD, I really will, it can be exams later on but I'll just FORGET abt it and gen1 zong1 them HAHAHA. Anyways did I say that those peeps wished us good luck for our O'lvls? That's really nice, woo! I like their attitude. (: I may not watch the show and personally don't think much abt that... But I like their ATTITUDE, their DARE to realize their dreams and TAKING ACTIONS too, yepyep!!! :D

This is THE ONE that will make me go crazy ok... But you dunno what, I think I won't like HEBE as much if she wasn't part of S.H.E. I mean I would like neither of them as much if they weren't together. I think it's like, SIMPLY bcuz they are put together, and with all that complementary and contrasts, Hebe SHINES out to me, that's why. But without this bonding there, Selina.Hebe.or.Ella is like... All KK to me only lor. Anyways I think they are the true essence of a GROUP. Because every member really totally TRULY matters. Unlike some other bands that can like DO WITHOUT an injured member or whatsoever... It's like... SO~~~Simply so OMG lor. The bestest group in the WHOLE WORLD LITERALLY, OK? Oh yeah I went to pre-order their album today le! Along with DA ZUI BA & YEN SEN... (?) AND GORDON I MEAN. bWaHaHa!!! Ji4 du4 mah!!! Hebe really rocks lor~Heeheehee~~~I really super pian1 ai4 her in S.H.E leh OMG.

Anyways I shall put some photos up here only... Lazee put all. Quality not that good with all that hun4 luan4 anyway HAHAHA.

Can't stand pple with small faces... ALWAYS make me feel very zi4 bei1 standing b'side them... HMMPH!!! Nvm~She's a yi4 ren2~I'm a STUDENT, HA!


ANYWAYS thinking abt it now, I think we are the ONLY bunch with CAMERAs and taking photos with them... Dunno lar. Anyways it's like when we asked them "can I take a photo with you", they would just go "sure"... The thing is, I think they can't turn us down also lor... IMAGE ok, IMAGE. It's rather funny when you think abt if you're a yi4 ren2, then you're very down one day, and yet you get those curious looks and pple pestering you... HMMS. But I guess that's just the BAGGAGE you have to take when you're really well-liked by lots of pple. And that pays, I GUESS. Anyways we shook hands too~K lar, for me I really feel normal. I just thought it was FUN, cou4 re4 nao4. But if it was S.H.E I have a feeling my ENTIRE PERSON would be shaking with excitement, and I would start to GO TALKING IN JIA3 YIN1 HIGH-PITCH with my face all FLUSHED RED bcuz that's what I'd do when I'm so EXTREMELY JI1 DONG4...

ANYWAYS, I think it SHOWS in my face that I'm not entirely crazed-up abt him HAHAHA... But ok ALL SINGAPORE IDOLS rock cuz WE SAW THEM TODAY and they were all REALLY NICE and that deserves a big round of applaudse... ((CLAP CLAP CLAP)) Anyways Demon Wong's shooting skills, once again, also quite lan4 lor... OMG... HAHAHA... Next time I shall trust only myself! HMMPH!!! :P

Now this is MY... SUPER STAR.

Ok I admit this is rather *stupid*... I feel like a guan1 guang1 ke4 whereever I go lor... Constantly taking photos... HAHAHA!!!

It's like... HEBE simply rocks ok...? OMG........

Oh ya I remember there was this once when Leandra was posing sort of like - Sexily...? And we were like actually trying to tou1 tou1 pai1... HAHAHA but we didn't in the end lar... I guess it would be really bad if we really did so anyways...? HMMS, I dunno.

OMG I am taller than her leh! HAHAHA... So... HAPPY!!! But fatter too, anyways HAHAHA. But nvm~WHATEVER. She's a yi4 ren2 so she SHOULD BE shou4, OK? HAHAHA!!!

ANYWAYS, SEE!!! - CAMERAS ROCK!!! Esp. my iRiver ifp-1095... HAIZ~~~HAHAHA... It's like... I'm like the ONLY conscious-enough-consumer-around to be using iRiver... iRiver really super good lor... It's a very WELL-KNOWN AND WIDELY-ACCLAIMED (?) brand in the realm of PROS hahaha... It's like... I think products like iPod lar Creative lar... Too... COMMON to be used by the ME~You know...? Hahaha... Simply fell in love with iRiver the mmt I sort of saw it online... It's PURRFECT for the... You know...? ME. Somemore I got it at a reduced price... At least reduced by 100 bucks... bWaHaHa!!! Next time I shall use my mp3 to FAN myself at S.H.E's activities also... HAHAHA!!!

HAHAHA!!! S.H.E - 10th of November!!! (:

VICTORIOUS -------->>> Hahaha!

Ba1 gua4 ba1 gua4...

Super lan4 zoom & that BC xiao4 rong2 HAHAHA!!!

When *somebody* REALLY becomes a yi4 ren2 next time, I shall use THESE PHOTOS to le4 suo3... bWaHaHA!!! Oh ya it's like you COMPARE those photos that I took of peeps and others with those that others took... My ji4 shu3 ROCKS ok? bWaHaHa!!!

ANYWAYS, cameras are perfect for capturing any mmt in life that you wish to preserve! YEAH!!! (:

Oh ya - WHY were we so lucky today?
Because - BOTH - of my double eyelids CAME OUT HAHAHA.


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