Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Heyhey... Just thought I'd update a bit on recent happenings. Been kept rather occupied, YEPYEP. :P

Oh man~~~DO I HATE this extension week... AARGHZ. My entire mind has been on S.H.E, FUN, DAYDREAMS, FANTASIES, FARAWAY LANDS etc. whole day in cls... Though my mind's PRETTY MUCH LIDAT during normal school days already... Thing is, I was practically rolling my eyeballs and wandering aimlessly in a sea of daydreams in cls... TOTALLY... Oh man~~~

I dunno. Just feel... A wave of THOUGHTS overwhelming me today! And I need to put them to words... HAHAHA... There are certain things in life that needs toe be translated into words for eternity, because you constantly lose memories... They fade away... At least, that's the case for me. (: It's also a way of "rememberance" I guess... ANYWAYS, feel compelled to read this book NUO2 WEI1 DE1 SEN1 LIN2 more than ever after reading abt its reviews... Seems really cool... It's actually the title of this BEATLES song that I obviously dunno.

And it's like, when I saw them review stuff like Cun Shang Chun Shu's stories involve characters who don't wanna grow up and everything... And I'm like woah! And you know what, his stories involve people doing DAILY THINGS. Yet he is able to capture them in a way that it does REFLECT something... And that's cool. I like that sort of delusion (?), distracted from society sort of feel surrounding his characters... Because they are so REAL, yet oftenly, it seems in a way that they're pretty much on their own and everything. I saw somewhere before that he didn't mean to portray his characters that way PURPOSELY, maybe sort of just want to distinct and sort their stories out or whatsoever... DUNNO LAR anyways this should come later after I've read NUO WEI DE SEN LIN and understand something about it.

Oh ya I've been reading a lot after the exams... COMICS... And books... Nothing to do mah. And I do want to learn of more things in life, that is beyond my own understanding, HA!

DUNNO LAR... It just occurred to be suddenly that - YOUR LIFE IS HALF-DESTROYED WHEN YOU'RE WITH A BAD COMPANY. Omg such words of wisdom~!~!~!~~~By the GREAT me!!! HAHAHA... Whatsoever, at least for me, I won't ever allow myself to let otherd lead me by my nose... I mean in the BIGGER sense, and everything, cuz I BELIEVE in my own judgements. Yepyep. DUNNO LAR.

AIYO S.H.E tracklist... Ba1 gua4 me heeheehee.

1. 候鳥
2. 痛快
3. 別說對不起
4. 我愛你
5. 鬥牛士之歌
6. 對號入座
7. 金鐘罩鐵布衫
8. 大女人主義
9. 不在場
10. 保持微笑


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