Sunday, January 30, 2005

Shadow Hearts: COVENANT

I just found out from online dictionary...

In the Bible, God's promise to the human race.

And I was like, OMG - This is SO cool!

In a way, I DO like it when myths and legends and religious ideas are introduced and given a twist in games/ dramas. :P For eg. in I Have A Date With Vampire.

Anyways, the catch is, the storyline in SH 2 goes like this.

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YURI can fuse into monsters. And ultimately he can TRANSFORM into AMON, bcuz he conquered the soul of the God of Wrath - AMON.


It's like SUPER cool lor.

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Omg I love this game~ ^.^ Alongside with KH & KoTOR.
There are the 3 MOSTTTTT enjoyable games that I've played all my life lor, HOHOHO.

They're at the same position as Won Bin, Gillian & S.H.E in my heart HAHAHA. Very ENTERTAINING. :P

Omg. I really think these 3 games are cool lar. SKY arh. TOTALLY. It's like so OMG. And I kept on going around promoting them. HAHAHA. Whenever I REALLY like something, I would REALLY go around NAGGING to everyone and elaborating on how cool the thing is or whatsoever.

I think I'm just borne with the "likeness" to share my JOYs with the world, you know? I mean, whenever I find something really amusing and cool, I just HAVE to let others see it my way too, cuz I think THAT rocks, that sort of thing. That was why I would be going around talking abt S.H.E S.H.E and other things whole-day long. Cuz I JUST think they are so FUNNY! And when I find certain songs REALLY nice, the very next day and I would be recommending it to everyone in sight le. HOHOHO.

Dunno leh. Just love to drag others into my circle of obessions - In terms of music and games mostly. HEEHEEHEE. ^.^ Bcuz I can't possibly start talking abt the value of literature and all that with someone, they'd be bore to hell HAHAHA.

OMG. It's like LOR~I think I should be a XUAN CHUAN next time. But I can ONLY do my job dutifully when I really like that thing or whatsoever. Otherwise I would be like YEE-YER get away from me you FREAK.

OMG. Ultimately my goal is to communicate on the same frequency with others. (: Because I can go on and on abt the things that absolutely rock to me... bWaHaHa. FRANKLY speaking, REALLY leh, most of the time talking abt people whose names I've heard of but I never bothered abt the face BORES me. That sort of who in the school is dating who lar, wah talentime coming up lar. I don't know why but most of the time I'm really VERY unconcerned abt the things around me. :| Maybe it's bcuz they are too everyday and within-reach for me to get interested.

REALLY lor. Everytime someone start talking abt this and that latest gossip in sch I would be listening to the names and like... ERRRRRRRR... Who's that... Then after a while, my mind automatically drift off to other things le HAHAHA.

There is a statement to justify this, I've read somewhere b4: Those who love to talk abt others are gossipers HAHAHA.

I think it's really senseless anyways. They're not Won Bin or Gillian or my cutest S.H.E~What's there to get all "juicy" abt? :P

Actually it's the same thing with sports too.
I REALLY don't have the habit of even watching matches. My idea is that, why don't you go and play on the field yourself instead of sitting around eating popcorn getting excited over people playing?

At least for eg. MUSIC is like, I love to LISTEN to music and BE entertained mah... ^.^

Well. Everyone's just borne DIFF. I guess. @:)

Oh, then, rather, it's those who are willing to share and know more abt the person they are talking to that are like, say, great, hahaha.
SKY arh ----- I've strayed too far off.
Shadow Hearts: COVENANT rocks!!! XD~~~I have a premonition of a WONDERFUL story coming up. It's time to get in-depth to KARIN's destiny... bWaHaHa!!! Actually I already know of some minor spoilers le lar, and I'm like so... UURGH!!!!!!!!

Whatever lar~I really think this game rocks lor. OMG. OH! MY!! GOD!!!
I'm not looking forward to FINAL FANTASY anymore. :P Cannot tahan stereotypical stories and dialogues and characters and etc.~

SKY arh~~~~~~~~

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Omg! I finally play until SHADOW HEARTS 2 Disc 2 le.
Wow. (: I ENJOY this game. Heeheehee. Though I get annoyed by the map at times.
Bcuz given my BORNE nature, when playing RPGs I love checking EACH & EVERY SINGLE area out, looting treasure chests... But I often end up running around in circles cuz I kept on returning to the same places all over again due to my *WONDERFUL* sense of direction.

Therefore I love that sort of maps in Dark Cloud 2 and Star Wars: KoTOR. Tsk tsk tsk.

It's a blank initially but as you walk around, the "map" is like slowly drawn out. Unvisited places in dark. Therefore I would know where to go. I like that, OK.

Anyways. The game was really engaging. I love RPGs that are engaging as in, the characters feels "alive" and the world is like - Complete and unique and all that sort of crap. (:

I mean, where else can you find a RPG whereby the main characters can be using words like "shit" "Shaddup" "Bite me"... And goes abt annoying some sort of "RING SOUL" who grants special Judgment Ring powers by insisting on calling it the "RING SPIRIT"...?

It's like~I was really amused when say the in-game characters meet up with the RING SOUL for the 10th+ time and the Ring Soul was so irritated with YURI already it was like yelling abt its name is RING SOUL and not RING SPIRIT and even spelling it out... R-I-N-G S-O-U-L... Uh, and stuff like once it revealing "it" having wifes and kids and some sort of mortage and working overtime and having to make this character with little impact on the story appear majesti so on and so forth...

I mean it's quite minor but I think it's the little things in an RPG that adds up to make it a really wonderful experience. (:

Oh man... I TOTALLY love that FMV when YURI transformed into AMON (some winged DEMON, DEMON!!! --- Mind you) and fighting Rasputin (who's conspiring to take over the RUSSIAN empire). Etc. etc...完全被酷到了~~~

Omg... This really is a cool game, MAN! :P

I mean, it's like each character has their own WELL-DEVELOPED individual abilities. Then there's their own "trademark" actions and diff. personalities. It just adds up to be really cool. ^.^

Sky arh~It's like REALLY lor. It's one of those RPGs that I'm uninterested in initially (cuz I don't find the characters THAT good-looking)... But after playing, it's like - WAH~ and WOW!



I'm done with EUROPE in the game le. CURRENTLY in JAPAN!!! :D

Friday, January 28, 2005

Oh my god... You know what, I really can't stand how HOPELESSLY stupid the Muds can get lor.
It's like today Dan's birthday right. And Gordon and me were like accompanying her to wait for her mother. Then all the while I was like coming up with excuses and ways such that I can have the entire cake to myself sort of thing, then it's like right Gordon kept on raising false alarms lor. And eventually due to the very fact that her mother's car is green right, I was like pointing at the grass patch and going - EH you very rich leh. Your car SO BIG.

"And so low somemore"
"Aiya~Must be the car travel underground one lar"
"Can save space leh"
"No traffic jam also..."

etc. etc...

ANYWAYS. Then I made Mud-Man buy Wok Noodles for Shimin and me.
And Green Tea~HAHAHA~~~Omg I simply love the feeling of ordering people around leh... SKY ARH therefore this is my ultimate motivation for having GOOD results so that I can ORDER people abt and show them "face".

Then I ended up with so many plates lor.....

But after my 威逼利诱, Mud-Mud was like 很无奈地 made 2 trips and put those plates back anyways, HAHAHA! HOHOHO 本人最热爱偷懒了~

更何况,我只作有建设性的事情...像这种打杂的,我才不屑. :P

Anyways then it was like while she was away I grabbed her souviet or whatever you call for her... In an attempt to get 2 pieces of cake lar.

In the end got so few left le lor. Then Sheau Wei was like, even asking me to share with Juliet. I was so amazed when the Bai Chi have the brain enough to realize that if she were to share with me, it would mean NO CAKE for her leh! OMG. So in the end I ONLY got one whole piece of cake to myself lor.

Really cannot tahan the degree of tootness of Mud-Man lor.
Pearly was like, out of sympathy, 施舍 one piece of pineapple tart to her.
Then when she could not enjoy the cake, because by the time she came back from putting the plates no more cake left, she was like desperately trying to take another piece of pineapple tart. But the 身手灵活的 me managed to SNATCH it from her and took one down my oesophagues in a mouth. bWaHaHa!

做坏人的感觉真的太爽啦~~~怪不得 Grand Theft Auto (A game whereby you are a gangster and go around shooting and stealing people's cars and knocking people over and enjoy the BLOODSHED, HA!) 这么受欢迎.

天啊.本人完全发现我体内泊泊流动着坏人的血液. bWaHaHa. But besides that, I'm aiming high for academic results too... O'lvl le mah. So in general terms I would make a perfect 斯文败类, bWaHaHa!!! XD~~~

Anyways it's like DA ZUI BA was going around ringing people up abt dropping Bio.
My feelings toward the issue is simple: Just do what you deem fit. If you have to struggle with one single subject (and you don't love the subject) in order to get a good enough grade, and losing time on other subjects --- MIGHT as well drop it when you're like ENTIRELY uninterested in it. I mean, it IS that simple.

If dropping Bio can help improve your position, why not?

FRANKLY speaking at the mmt even me myself is like asking this ques.: WHY the hell am I studying BIO?

But... NVM. I'm still holding onto my own decision.

And my reason for hanging on IS simple too. Because I'm just keeping my options open, meaning I'll have to work double hard so that my end results can land me anywhere.

Actually it's like I SERIOUSLY don't even know what courses JCs offer, and the no. of courses we have to take and all that sort of stuff the lor... HAHAZ. Because I am *THAT* lose of "touch" with the REAL world. I don't even realize Pri. Sch. Chinese textbooks have changed until I saw the real thing. Basically my mind is more of looking towards distant lands and picturing myself anywhere but where I am today... YEPYEPs.

Anyways... Got a lot of tests coming up next week..... And all that CRAP. Oh SHIT...

I don't know lar. Well. No matter how much I hate all that fuss abt education.
I will still have to do well, anyways. Even if I despise the education system, I WILL have to do well or else I would feel really terrible.

OK. My target is nothing less than A2. *EVEN* English. And as many A1s as possible, cuz that 2 looks REALLY ugly too.

Anyways I would hate to see a B appearing on a cert. EVER at all...

I don't know. I think the very fact of studying in Singapore just gives me the feeling that I can afford no failure. And have to consistently aim for the better. If I fall down half-way, it's like you may never pick up again. (I mean can you imagine a good stream then rather good PSLE results and then you get a B on your O'lvl cert...? I would HATE that.)

Whatever lar. TIME for HECTIC studying. And hardwork on my own.
Because I'm old enough to realize the imptance of the issue at hand.
And I DO regret not believing the teachers abt Sec 3 being actually "Sec 4 Year 1".

Ok. Whatever.

I mean, nothing comes free of charge on this world. You want good results? Then discipline yourself and do your work dutifully... I'll have to constantly remind myself that. And to constantly remind myself that life is not all abt playing... AARGH ---

Playing that much makes no sense at all when you're like getting older yearly.

WELL. WHATEVER. And I'll be preparing notes of my own too! bWaHaHa!
I really wanna work on that cuz GOD KNOWS how HOPELESSLY motivated and ALERT I'll be when I have photos of S.H.E Gillian Won Bin etc. etc. on my notes... HAHAHA!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Well... Uh. Today's yet another day lor.
Anyways, Ng Ah Kay told us abt the lower sec's behaviour today.
And I was like: OMG you suck! Can I give up a slap!?!?!?...

I mean it's like, if I imagine myself watching S.H.E's concert...
And they're singing these really wonderful songs... Then there's all this noise and commotion around. I figure I would be UTTERLY FREAKYLY PISSED lor, I'll probably TOTALLY BLOW OFF MY TOP for once.

Whatever lar... I mean, when I DO reflect on the society and all that nowadays, I'll be like: OMG give me a break...
I mean, it's like, DESPITE how I go with the flow and adapt to people and situations most of the time, it's like there would still be this desperate voice yelling out loud deep within me, just that I kept on SUPPRESSING it... Until it blow me over sometimes...

I dunno~SOMETIMES I just don't get the way things work, and sometimes I just feel like OMG god just let me die instantly painlessly and naturally~Cuz I feel like an alien stuck on some bloody planet with all that hustle and bustle around me that makes me feel so POINTLESS & MEANINGLESS.

I dunno... But! Oh! MAN! This just reminds me of my days in CHEENA...


Maybe I'm not THAT much of an "adapter" afterall.
I mean, even though I keep on telling myself to live 痛痛快快ing-ly... Sometimes this desperate thought just surfaces and I feel like Omg I live wishing I can pass away real fast one day~

I dunno.....

Sometimes when I read a book, I really wish I could be lost in its pages. And I love stories because when they make me engrossed I disconnect myself from reality...

And as for games I just look forward to those alternate worlds.

Etc. etc... Lar.

Oh man..... I DOOOO feel like getting away SO SERIOUSLY & BADLY.
Probably even lock and imprison myself up on some one man's island.....

But in reality, can I? ---NO!
I mean, coming to face it, life is not a fairytale. I'll have to be a REALIST despite how "dreamy" my mind could get.

I dunno lar. Sometimes when I'm caught in things and all that then all of a sudden. I would wish for some mmts in life to be eternal. It seems like a perfect escape to lose yourself in your memories... But then --- I can't. That's what makes me feel so sad MOST OF THE TIME.

There are so many things I wanna do or even dream of, but then in the end I'm still like some dumb ostrich digging her head in soil and not reaching out.

And this world is a REAL world. No matter how idealistic you may think, it IS a harsh reality out there. Man eat man. And all that survival to the fittest.

OH WHATEVER. I'll most probably be all fine and dandy by next morning anyways.
Though I still expect some sort of secret timer counting down in me and all that crap...

I mean, to some stranger land and sleep until my head drop. Or WHATSOEVER.

Till then, music, books and games are my sole solace. WHEW.
Maybe dreams too. Well sometimes when I dream of REALLY cool things I'd feel like I wanna be lost to that dream forever... I don't care abt what is real and what is fake... How do you define consciousness? And how would you know if we DO even exist at all...? (Ok but from a realist's view I'll have to tell myself: FACE it. No matter what you think, you are a living man in this world and you're not going anywhere far with all those thoughts.)... I DON'T KNOW~

AARGH! Dunno lar.
Sometimes I don't even know what kind of LIFE I'm leading.
I mean, sometimes way before exams I feel like I REALLY want to give things up, just let me go this once... And yet I have to FORCE myself to PUSH those thoughts aside and keep on "conceiving" myself just in order to sit thru' an exam and not just hand-in a blank piece of paper...


Fine. Whatever. No matter how fed-up or whatsoever. I'll continue living. Try as best as I could. Just so that I will die and break down into some pieces of ash on Earth someday.

I mean, things don't even make sense to me anymore when I think abt MANY MANY YEARS LATER, the "existence" of me is like nothing but... NOTHING! on this Earth and in the entire history of the Universe. So what the HELL is life all abt!?

If a man lives and dies one day eventually, why would he HAVE to live at all!?
If this Earth is going to be destroyed one day eventually, why create it in the first place!?

And so on and so forth. ONLY GODdamn GOD knows.
Ok I'm a freethinker therefore it's alright for me to say that. But WHATEVER.
Let's just say the God I'm referring to is not say, Jeseus, Buddha or whatsoever. Instead it's just a word (in my own definition) that I use to refer to a certain something, all that reason behind the BIG BANG and all that, I GUESS.

WHATEVER lar. OFF TO HW. (Omg this is making me feel so god-damn SAD as a human. Even when you feel like giving things up you still have to HOLD ON to pieces of yourself, I mean, fragments of a broken you! This is like so HOPELESSLY pissing me off, in a way.)

It's like "So what if you're down!? The world goes on. So what if you're sad!? You still have to study. So what if you feel like dying!? You still have to live on struggling blah blah blah..."


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I ROCK!!! (:

How Your Attitude Ranks

Your Attitude is Better than 75% of the Population

If you scored...

80-100: You've got a winner attitude. You're always optimistic and cheery. Your personality will get you far in life.

60-79: You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.

40 - 59: You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.

20 - 39: You have an average attitude. You take the good and bad in life as they come. Though sometimes you could use a little more good.

0-19: You have a negative attitude. You tend to see the dark side of every situation. Free ice cream? No thanks, it will just make you fat!

I DO LOVE myself, A LOT, MOST of the time. (:
I mean... It's like... MOST of the time, I just don't get it when people can talk abt this and that behind a person's back and still smile and stay nice around that person at the same time. It just comes across as... WEIRD? To me.

I mean, if you're uncomfortable with someone, I would choose to stay away from him or her and just be polite. And no more than that. You can't expect me to hang around that person, if I dislike him or her THAT much.

Uh... But maybe that's just xiao3 qi4 or selfish or whatever you call that. While others can withstand this "disgust" in them and be with that person they dislike A LOT, I guess I SIMPLY cannot.

WELL, I don't know. And it's like even if someone IS my worst enemy, somehow there's still parts of me acknowledging his or her good points, or whatsoever. I just can't help that. And for me I love to look at the purpoe behind people's actions, and eventually everyone comes across as fine to me, on a basic scale, because we're ALL human - Somebody likes us, while others don't; We get along with some people, while we're in hell with others... Etc. etc. WHATEVER lar.

Your Element Is Air

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.

Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.

You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!

GEMINI is an AIR sign leh HEEHEEHEE!

You are 87% Gemini

OH YA...

You know right, today DURING assembly... Announcement... Someone winning some 1st runner-up for something.


And DA ZUI BA was like: 第二名很可怜耶
The rest of us: ---SILENCE---
The rest of us (continues to be) --- SILENT ---

FINALLY, I could not stand him anymore. And blurted out ---

And it's like the 3 of us went into laughing instantaneously... XD
Cannot tahan the width & ht. of his mouth lor.

I was also like complaining around:我们说一辈子的废话都没有他一天说的多.

Then yesterday right, Ng Ah Kay asked him to read a passage.
And the mmt he stood up I chirped in:OK我们可以闭上耳朵了.
HAHAHA! Even Dan was like saying to me, later scarly he read on and on... Even add in his own points for the debate topic on the textbook... Then when t-cher ask him to stop he would 你等一下你等一下让我再多说一点嘛... HAHAHA!

So untahanable lor. MY! GOD!!!
Basically nowadays I made it a habit TOTALLY treating his words like air... I mean I would just look around and not even TRY to at least open my mouth and tell him to shut up. Cuz it's POINT-less. HAHAHA. He's like the MOST talkative person I've seen all my life lor. Ok, maybe he can fight alongside Pearly.

But DA ZUI BA is really like,没有意义的话他也要说,在路上看到一个穿白色校服的人也要惊呼:那是中正的耶!,一件与主题不相干的事可以侃侃而谈老半天,没有人理他他还是会继续念个不停...等等等.哇.我真是造了十万八千个辈子的孽了.我上辈子肯定是个杀人犯+卖国贼+良心泯灭的超级坏蛋才会认识他. OH! MY!! GOD!!!




可是~真的耶~从小到大都不记得我老妈有教过我如何与人相处如何交朋友更甚至讲话应该怎样~搞到我整个人就是很随性... ^^. WHATEVER. Off to work. :P

Omg... Today I just suddenly realized: Hey! You're like 3 more years to 20 after your birthday this year, you know!

And "ME" was like: OMG!? REALLY!? That is so SCARY! when I feel like nothing has changed a bit... In terms of mentality.

I mean, it's like --- Days fly by so past my "growth" can't even catch up with time - Everything feels like it's only been yesterday... OMG that is like so OH! My!! God!!!

Ok. From now on I shall revert to the SERIOUS side of me. Put away the side of me that I use to confront people for the mmt and bring out all the SERIOUSNESS in me.

OK. I will have to constantly remind myself: You're 16+ le for goodness' sake.
Ok and I'll have to stop laughing too much. That just seems so childish. Maturity is accompanied by a "calm" composure, alright. And I'll have to STOP shouting altogether. And etc. etc...

Anyways my idea is that I'll start being really organized when I get into JCs. (:
Cuz I'm abt done and sick of being -untidy & disorganized- for over dunno how many years le... Therefore it's time for me to explore the other side of my personality bWaHaHa...

Whatever lar. OK. Be serious. CEJ. That's it. :
Oh ya. And stop bothering people. Cuz ANOTHER side of me's sick of that le lar actually~But the devilish and saddistic side of me simply ENJOY banging people's heads. WELL. I'll just have to constantly remind myself to keep my cool... KKK.

SERIOUSSS --- It's time to grow up, in action. =.=

"I love POKEMON!"

You Are 11 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

... Omg... SINCERELY I'm not *THAT* childish...!? OMG... I won't really deny the fact that I feel like a 13-year-old... But 11!? OMG that is WAY TOO MUCH...

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

被 小Bebe 电到了

好可爱哦!!! ^.^
天啊~~~说实在的 现在 hor 我已经完全习惯 "小斌斌" "小Bebe" "小桐桐" 地叫个不停了啰...
连 wire 都会变成 "小 ire-ire"... ^.^



小 BEBE 真的好可爱哦!!!哈哈哈~~~

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Sky arh... And then I stayed back after school... To help decorate the cls today.
By colouring 小鸡鸡s... HAHAZ! But then my colouring very LIGHT leh... From since pri. sch. till now I've never changed this... ^.^" It's like my art teacher last time kept on telling me abt this lor...

Sky arh... It's like I ROCK lor! My 小鸡鸡 is like so CUTE! (Er... Dun think Y)

荣誉呈现 人类有史以来最美丽最漂亮的 小鸡鸡 未来大设计师的杰作

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Sky arh! I suddenly feel like taking ELECTIVE ART... Cuz Wanqi drew very nicely leh! It's like last time during A MATHS lesson Mrs TAN got approached me asking me if I wanna join lor... But then now it's like I'm rather interested in designing therefore I'm feeling like MAYBE I should join mah...

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Maybe I can learn on my own first bah... Try to do more handcraft work from now on. ^.^ It's like... I think I *would* like to be a GRAPHICS DESIGNER lor. Then the other day I saw that 1/3rd of designers are self-employed and I'm like OMG that is so --- Er, unique...? HAHA!

Presenting to you below the MUDDIEST chicken ever. MUD-MAN finally has a 竞争对手 le.
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And this is like so COOL!!!!
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Done by the Maths & Science genius of my cls. HAHAZ.

AT WORK........
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OMG I'm so proud of my own work... And OMG I love BRIGHT colours. CAST-AWAY to b&w and ALL other DULL colours!
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Urm... I was like laughing like shit when Sheena said she's going to use 2 colours only for her chicken... Ok she added in another colour... WELL, but I was really LAUGHING until my back hurt.
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FEATURING the most wonderful & marvellous & gorgeous etc. etc. hp wallpaper on the world... HAHAHA it's not my phone lar... It's like I pai pai pai until the storage full and I had to delete some lor... XD
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Actually I realized my 表情 was rather idiotic leh... But nvm I still rock HAHAHA!
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Shee-neh's finished work... ^.^
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And this is like... So DISGUSTING.

---当废话多(绝技:自言自语) 遇上了 大嘴巴(绝技:海啸算什么?我口水更多.)---

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"Eh 我发现我们很配耶...(以下省略n句废话)"

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全世界最可爱的手指头... XD
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仙女专用 莲花指 耶 哈哈哈!!!
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我郑重申明 这是别人 colour 的哦 加上那个名字后竟然变得奇美无比...哈哈哈!!!
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Omg... It's like... You know what happened today?
Dan got her thing, and I was like going along with her and Jiejie cuz I wanna slack around a bit first. Feeling really sleepy.

Then the worker was cleaning up the girls' toilet. Then I think she asked us to go to the Teacher's toilet. Well it came off as PERFECLY logical & fine to me.

What is the BIG deal abt the teachers' toilet, anyways!?
I mean, it's smaller than the girls' toilet and it's not like it's any better decorated than the girls' toilet too...

Kkz... So there we were. And some other girls came in too.

Then all of a sudden, Mrs Ho (aka Monkey) popped her head in. Then she was like demanding "why are you here!?"

I couldn't understand the big fuss, so me and Jie Jie was like "she got her thing" "the girls' toilet was being cleaned..." etc. etc.,justifying our prescence there - And to me it's PERFECTLY justifyable.

But she was like "can't you go to the upstairs or downstairs toilet!?" And instantly the first thought that popped-up was: Omg! What's the big deal abt using the teachers' toilet!? For goodness' sake... Then I really could not understand her, nor could I think of any reason to rebuke her except the thought that: There's nothing wrong with using the teachers' toilet... Therefore I was like looking around, blah blah blah...

And the next thing she did, she actually asked Dan to come out of the cubicle.
And I was like another thought surging up my head: But she's having her thing! And she didn't have her skirt on! FOR GOODNESS' SAKE... So we told her but she insisted. Omg, man was I feeling annoyed at the way her brain works man. Stubborn as a mule (is there such an idiom or whatsoever...?). Dumb as a monkey.

Anyways then Dan came out, obviously she wasn't too happy abt the situation lar.
Then after a few words Monkey was like telling her: You shut up, you're so rude blah blah blah and wanted to listen to me and Yi Jie only.

Then she was also like it must not be your first time here. Omg FOR GOODNESS' SAKE when I think abt it now I feel like punching her in the face and pulling her brains apart to see what's inside. I simply cannot tahan it when I find that something is PERFECTLY fine and UNDERSTANDABLE and JUSTIFYABLE and somebody else comes along with an aggressive attitude picking faults from all over the place and all that lor.

Anyways basically I just gave my reasons with absolute "dignity" or whatsoever. Because I don't think we are in the WRONG. Never at all. I mean - It just comes back to - What's the BIG DEAL abt teachers' toilets!? It's not like it's sacred ground or something. OH! MY!! GOD!!!

Anyways then she was also like asking us for our class and all that and etc... Blah blah blah~~~Omg... How much more annoying can she get lor... It's like making a big fuss over something minor.

Oh ya, to me it's like, I get really irritated when I consider something as minor and unlookable... And somebody else goes racking it up. I'll be like OH FOR HELL'S SAKE I WANNA BLAST you APART and look what's inside that FREAK brain of yours!!!

That is so... Idiotic.

Dunno leh. Whatever lar. My basic idea is still like, if I think I'm wrong, even if I'm breaking the rules or whatsoever, I stand firm to my position. But another thing is that, even so, it's like if I'm faced with teachers or whatsoever I'll just say out of the typical-script in my head... "I'm sorry..." blah blah blah etc. etc... You know the thing abt adults is that they love things to be under this sort of very "stereotypical-scenarios" or whatsoever instead of defiance.

Ohmygod~It's like I always feel like... If it's some sort of war occupation I'm living in or whatsoever, I might survive really well compared to others. As in, I'm a very flexible person who uses my own survival and welfare as a gauge when doing things or talking and all that, I mean. I won't be those super "PATRIOTS" who go abt scolding their enemies in the face... Instead, if say I'm on the disadvantaged, I'll just act to the situation and all that blah blah blah... bWaHaHa!!! Just borne with it. :P

But that's only my own deduction lar. I won't know what I'd really do, anyways.

But basically it comes down to I think everyone should be so grateful that I'm borne kind-hearted lor. Because I have a feeling like, if I'm going to turn evil, I won't be those dumbos who go around killing people in daylight leh, instead I'll be the evil mastermind who carries out her plots secretly and gives people deadly blows in the back or whatsoever... bWaHaHa!!! That is like so much more CLASS~~~ than those thieves and robbers lor.

So sad I'm borne kind-hearted lar. HAIZ. :P

I unleash the EVIL side of me in videogames only... bWaHaHa... Double-crossing and blowing up everyone in sight... XD Hao3 bian4 tai4 orh.

Whatever lar.

Monday, January 24, 2005


ANYWAYS. Wahz. I really feel like MURDERING 大嘴巴 these days.
You have no idea how irritating he is man~Omg!

He's really like, VERY 不想活了啰. And it's like... !?!?!?

Sky arh.
Whatever lar. Not feeling too well physically these few days. Oh man it's that few days of the month ONCE AGAIN --- AAH!!!!!!!!

Sky arh..... Gonna be really beezee these few days. Oh! My! God!
Anyways~~~Dunno lar. =______=

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Oh ya, yesterday night I was reading all those E. Geog. newspaper cuttings.
And I was like only concerned abt the date - Omg it's gonna happen in my lifetime?

Whatever lar. You know the thing abt the world nowadays is that there are far too much people LIVING. And with countries refusing to adopt environmental-friendly pressures bcuz they often hinder development, etc. etc... I AM starting to think that it's like, if you give birth to someone at all, you're just letting them suffer.

Oh, of cuz not forgetting all that tremendous build-up of stress from various sectors and all that. It's like - OMG lor.

I would rather live in that sort of lands in RPGs whereby people have to polish up their skills and roam abt the land killing monsters trying to survive... That sort of life whereby you don't know where you'll be next and basically - SURVIVAL to the fittest. The price to pay for defeat none other than your life. Things just seem so much simpler and straight-forward lidat. Or whatsoever.

I mean, on one hand I'm practical as can be - I go for Science over Art and the rest. And on the other hand I do find this world so HOPELESSLY boring. Then and again I would tell myself to make the best out of everything. And then live on, no matter how "meaningless" things may seem to me almost all the time. So... Uh. I dunno. =.=||

AARGH! Dunno lar. I'm just curious if there're more to this world than all that system and order around, sky arh~It's like TOTALLY cool lor, if you could live in a dream. Because that'll be like, the WORLD of your dreams etc. etc...

Whatever lar. Betta be off to touch-up on somemore homework le.
Well. Let's just say that I love RPGs because I like that kind of WORLDs. In contrary to reality. So meaning I'm an "escapist" in terms of my mental activity, but what I'm doing all the time is nothing but down-to-earth and practical. Well, most of the time what I do or what I say DOES NOT coincide with what's really going on inside me... Duh.

Whatever lar. Sky arh~~~It's like so cool lor. Oh! My!! God!!!
Reality is boring..... Uh, when I'm doing nothing but playing RPG games lar. But then~~~~~Dunno leh.

Sometimes I would just have this DESPERATE desire to get-away from everything, I mean I ALWAYS have this desire of GETTING-AWAY. But what kept my feet firm to the ground is none other than my too-unbreakable-self-control-for-my-own-good and etc. etc...

DUNNO lar! AIYO~~~

Man... Been going to bed only at 2 am+ these few days.
Omg my BASAL METABOLISM!... Bcuz I had to do some homework yesterday.
Read thru' E. Geog. Attempted Chem. Etc. Leaving some for today.

And I woke up now... Meaning I slept a total of less than 7 hours, so as to play PS2... I agree on my Xiao Lianlian's statement that "It's a waste of time to sleep".... Because it's like right, I hardly get the time to play nowadays. Well, it's like if I wake up late I'll end up playing then doing decent work then pushing my sleeping time further back.

However if I wake up early at least I get more time to play HOHOHO...

Whatever lar.

Anyways, I realized that DAVID TAO is like... SUPER ugly lor. Omg I just saw him in the news the other day and I was like OMG he *IS* ugly. And I cannot tahan the way he talked, very... "Selina's father style" - No wonder Selina liked him and I didn't liked him. :o Omg~~~I can't believe it, 9 out of 10 male singers looks like... HUMAN faeces. HAIz.

On the other hand I'm really starting to like Lee Hom (though I still think his songs are not nice) & Angela Chang le leh~Oh~My~God!

Anyways, but David Tao's album is many times nicer than Lee Hom's leh.
But even Lee Hom is many times more good-looking than he is.
His entire album is very CHEENA also. There was even this collaboration with 12 Girls Band. ^.^ I tell you what, many people love to do Cheena-like pop music nowadays lor. Perfect example S.H.E's SUPER STAR & TONG KUAI. Anyways they say it's due to the very fact that such kind of music can break into the China market more steadily.

Whatever lar~

Off to playing SHADOW HEARTS. I decided that I shall not go out too much until I finish this game le, bWaHaHa. 我要闭关修炼~I go out when I have nothing to do at home. Now that I have a game to keep me occupied, I shall just save on the $$. :P

Friday, January 21, 2005

Actually hor... REALLY leh. My idea is that 其实,人生真的是很美好的.


然后当自己感叹生活忙碌太笨什么都学不会的话至少会讲话、思想正常、四肢健全...也算是一种福气了吧!其实这都是一种专利一种可以说是很特殊的才能耶,只是我们太习以为常理所当然 take it for granted 罢了...就好像每次戴上眼镜的霎那我都有种想跪下来对地球膜拜之类的感觉~因为能看清楚真的是太幸福啦!!!




天啊!!!我忽然发现 陈恩娇 真的好自恋好恶心耶 哦怎么办怎么办
重点是总是有这样的认知我还是很爱自己 哦天啊 怎么办怎么办...

基本上...其实我的结论是 这是没办法的事 因为我的人生 太完美啦!!!
哇哈哈 至少心情好的时候就觉得很完美 呵呵呵~~~


Sky arh... SHADOW HEARTS: Covenant really very fun leh!
At first I was like, oh my god the characters such because they are like, not good-looking. But then after playing the game I'm like omg 他们好可爱哦!!!
It was the same case for STAR WARS: KOToR... Cuz such RPGs feature characters with PERSONALITY & STYLE that makes the ultimate factor for me liking them... TEEHEEHEE!!!

For eg. I really like that YURI guy! HA! He's so cute lor!
Because he's not the Typical-Your-Average-Neighbourhood-Hero one. He's a DEMON that saved the world, alright. As in, inside the game right, he's supposed to be this anti-hero guy who saved the world and all. And who can transform into a DEMON. Now that's what I call COOL.

Another male RPG character that I really like personality-wise was Ryudo from GRANDIA II. Cuz he's another not T-Y-A-N-H type..... Dunno why I just can't stand DECENT HEROES who are brimming with JUSTICE in RPGs. Instead, I like the male hero who loves to mock at others and would not hesitate to negate all consequences just to get somewhere - That is like so COOL! Hahaz.....

I love RPGs that feature this really distinct cast of characters who FEEL like they are alive. Instead of those Final Fantasy ones which makes me feel like they're made of paper... Even their dialogues are like oh so typical predictable etc. etc...

For eg. in Shadow Hearts right when Karin turned down the idea of going to some Mining site bcuz it's full of ghosts and all, Yuri said something like "Well if the ghosts come and get you I'll scare them for you! Boo!" Omg! While a FF-male would most probably say something like "We have no other choice. Let's just do this. I'll protect you to the best of my ability." --- That is like so BORING.

Sky arh... SHADOW HEARTS *is* REALLY fun lor. ^.^

OMG!!! ^.^

Omg! I missed my XIAO LIANLIAN again yesterday because I was like, went to buy PS2 games.

I got Suikoden IV & Shadow Hearts: Covenant...

Suikoden IV SUCKS lor. I should have trusted the reviews, AH AH AH!!!
The game graphic was lousy, the cut-scenes were sluggish, the battle system was stupid. All right. And so on and so forth.

But SHADOW HEARTS: COVENANT does rock! It's like the "preview animation" already SO --- Cool le. Then the first in-game movie - WAHZ. The ATMOSPHERE was well-depicted and the clarity and "realistic-ness" of the movie was just great. It does make me feel suspenseful lor. Then all that camera angles. WAH WAH WAH.

And the cut-scenes were well-layed out too. (: The only complain I have is the JUDGEMENT RING battle system. So hard lor. My characters were always like on the verge of dying. Luckily I MANAGED to get the hang of it eventually.

You know the thing is that, during the cut-scenes right, the character animations were very fluid lor! You see their eyes moving, their fringe swinging in the air, etc. etc... Now that's what I call cool.

Anyways, then this game was suppose to be abt all that demonic manifestion on Earth during World War I and all that and that was what stopped me from playing at first, actually - SCARED. :$ There's this other VAMPIRE game that I wanted to play too, but then once I learnt that one of the missions involved checking out a HAUNTED house, I was like OMG I'm NOT going to play that...

Anyways, SHADOW HEARTS is cool~

I'm saving up for PRINCE of PERSIA & Star Ocean (or MAY want to trade with DA ZUI BA) & etc. later on.....

Whatever lar~I realise that I love my RPGs with a lot of TOTALLY-cool cut-scenes nowadays lor. Even since playing KINGDOM HEARTS. The graphics in KINGDOM HEARTS was like super cool super cartoon super disney lor!

I mean, due to the very fact that cut-scenes play out the plot and all that, and it's like WAH WAH WAH.

And as for batte-systems wise, I prefer action ones as in hack'n'slash now... Grew out of turn-based combats le I guess~Again Kingdom Hearts has this really cool battle system HAHAZ.....

Whatever lar.
It felt like an awfully long week. And then it's gone in a "PUFF!" HAHAHA.
Oh ya, know what, LAST Thursday. The four of us from DL was like, in a SNEAKY mission.
We wanted to go to PARKWAY to eat. Then we had to leave early. Therefore we were like talking with the RELIEF TEACHER. "Plz teacher..." "You're so beautiful" etc. etc.
Then she was like, even throwing suggestions at us - As to, just say you're going to the toilet... Just say that the teacher sent you out for a walk (oh that's lame she said to herself)... Eventually she said that if we all got into trouble, just say that it's she... Blah blah blah.

Whatever lar. Then we went out. Stealthily. In the end everything was a breeze I'd say. I mean then and we were trying to contemplate "What to do if a teacher sees us?..." Etc. etc. For me I can't really think of anything, and I always go-by the tactic of 随机应变... Can't really say at that mmt in time I was feeling scared, I mean, NOT at all, it just felt like an adventure to me. To satisfy my hungry stomach HAHAHA!

I mean, the thing is that, it's not like I care abt school rules THAT much, and it's not like I like to go around DELIBRATELY breaking school rules THAT much, most of the time I have my own rules and I always do what I want to do and I feel is no big deal regardless of other things. And most of the time when I know what I'm doing conflicts with rules and all that I just go ahead anyway, with the "knowing" in me that it'll be my own fault if I do run into trouble. But I'm ok with that, I mean? Because it's like I know it's wrong, but I just GO AHEAD anyways, cuz I WANT TO do it, so if I'm punished I'll be like, ok this is my own fault.

Anyways then we got out peacefully lar~

Anyways, it's like recently Lim Leong was been "brain-washing" us, telling us how we could get GURANTEED A1s with Combining Science or whatsoever lor.

But no matter how tempting her offer is, inside my head I'll be like: What's the use of getting an A1 with neighbourhood students while in the end, you're still like on the bottom as compared to those taking Pure ones, I mean?

I dunno. Personally I just never ever thought of dropping or combining. I've come this far for goodness' sake. And I just dunno why we have to strategize and plan out like it's the MARKS that matters ultimately lor... I mean it is TRUE. But my way of dealing with exams has always been like, when the time comes, the time comes. Instead of going around trying to decide which subjects I'm weaker at etc.

I dunno. And due to the fact that I don't know what to work on, I'll just have to keep my options open and make sure I'm eligible for Maths & Science streams lor... OH. Anyways I also don't see why we haveto get into a DAMN good JC too. I don't want all that STRESS from a bunch of studies-worked-up people, I mean.

Dunno lar. It's like, while one could have made one's life much easier by dropping or combining. To me I just feel like it's abt time I should STRETCH myself instead of just lazing around... Sec 4 le leh. And it's like in years I'll be working soon. Therefore I'll have to be the BEST that I can be.....

And on the other hand, tuition seems really tempting too.
When they gurantee you jumping grades as well. But then and again, I didn't even REALLY monitor myself strictly and go all out yet. I think it's like, if I do my best le I'm still like dying *THEN* I would really need tuition lor. Otherwise I would rather spend the money on PS2 games for eg... XD bWaHaHa!!!

But frankly I can't believe how much of a tuition-craze Singapore is in lor~
I mean, it's like, do people go for tuitions for that *assurance* that they're doing something only...? And does they even help, at all? Etc. etc. lar~

Aiyo I want to go play my SHADOW HEARTS: COVENANT le. bWaHaHa.
OH MY GOD! It's like~~~I love RPGs that are cool cuz they blow me off reality! bWaHaHa!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Omg I missed my 小桐桐 today!!! ARHZZZ...
It's like she got caught yesterday lor, MY XIAO LIAN LIAN... AARGH!!!

Today during Chem. right, I brought up her suddenly.
And Pui Hui was also like: She super chio!!!
And I'm like OMG OMG 我们是同道中人 小桐桐美到吓死人的啰!!!
It's like the both of us was going crazy lor!!! bWaHaHa!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


最近我真的在猛收看 齐天大圣孙悟空 耶 呵呵呵 嘻嘻嘻

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我觉得她酱好美哦呵呵呵!!! ^.^


Omg... You know what, I'm REALLY seriously considering what occupation I might want to go into next time leh.

The highest possiblity ones are currently: Interior Designer (OMG I just found out my GILLIAN wanted to be one too! HOHOHO), those sort of people working on ads, work on magazines...? Etc. etc... Then my ULTIMATE final goal is to open a bookshop of my own HAHAHA. I like bookshops what~And to inspire people to cultivate the habit of reading too. :D Hahaz.....

Anyways it's like... INTERIOR DESIGNING seems really ok to me leh. I mean from whichever angle I inspect it, it seems pretty fine to me. Though I may need HELP with all that drawing... But, I'll see lar.

And as for working on ads, if I'm working in Singapore, I just thought I need to save the people. OMG those ads are hopelessly boring and so super informative lor! I mean I even had this cool idea already, make an ad in ENTIRELY b&w... I mean surely that would STAND OUT!? Hahaz... Opposed to all that flashy colours other ads use hahaha. 复古 mah~I like those sort of ads that go in stories too... If I were to make one I figure I would want to come up with one that has SUSPENSE, UNIQUENESS and able to stand on its own so that people don't have to watch ALL the ads to find out what it's abt... HOHOHO 酷吧!!!

As for magazines of cuz is bcuz I love reading magazines myself lar...

Dunno lar~

Oh anyways, I was even thinking abt if I turn SUPER kind in life I might want to take out my BIO again and go set-up a free medical facility in remote villages, preferably in my own hometown lar HAHAHA~Provided I have the MONEY. ^.^

ULTIMATELY opening a bookshop seems really cool to me.

I mean my goal is to earn money enough to buy all the things I want to buy, with some excess. I'm not say intending to earn a WHOLE LOT so that my kids can live in luxury?... They want a good life??? --- EARN it yourself. That's the way I SEE things alright. If I have a kid who expects me to satisfy each and every of his or her needs, he or she can jolly well get the hell out for me~bWaHaHa!!!

I mean, the thing is, you EARN your own things in life; instead of expecting some great luck to fall from the sky, HA!

Oh ya~Then recently so many people fall sick leh. Oh. My. God.
Luckily I'm 好人不长命,祸害遗千年 的 祸害 HAHAHA. I mean, that's also my way of SEEING things in life. Be a good guy? And you DIE earlier than everyone else. I mean, it MAKES sense what, cuz people who are kind-hearted will go around putting others before them and ending up endangering themselves. As for me, while I will not go around killing people, it's not in my blood to shower every amoeba in sight with love and concern too, I watch my own back, bWaHaHa!!!

Dunno lar. Then it seems as if pretty few people are coming down for break nowadays. It's like --- OH! MY! GOD! lor~For me, my 坚定的立场 is "再忙也要吃吃饭"... Having a test later on? --- OH HECK I can't survive on an empty stomach already... And the thing that I look forward to MOST everyday is none other than BREAKs... bWaHaHa!!!

I can't really see why people will enjoy staying in cls so much anyways~
It's like...? I love the outsides --- HA! And obviously my ULTIMATE MOTIVE is ---FOOD---!!!!! Heeheehee.

It's like, no matter what we do, ultimately all we want is to be happy right? And to me happiness means a full stomach and fresh air. Therefore I'm not going to forsake my happiness for some dumb schoolwork~bWaHaHa!!!

To me I really enjoy eating with people too, I mean in a way. And the people I meant are those who make me feel comfortable even in silence, bWaHaHa.

I mean, I think I've heard somewhere that for eg. Dinner times are the best contact times... And things like people act MOST themselves when they are doing something like eating hahaha. Dunno leh. HOHOHO I just love that way of eating lar~

Dunno leh. To me it's always HARD to resist going out EVEN when say for eg. you're going out only to eat with someone... I mean I guess most people would find it... Er, boring? But to me it's like I just like that RELAXED and very SLACKY atmosphere... YEPYEPS.

What's more if the conversation was like those... Wah... Ones, in a way eating out really RECHARGES me bWaHaHa.

I mean, to me, enjoying life starts from the BASICS... (:


I was like... Been watching all those concerts I have daily...? And never quite got tired of them...?

It's like --- OMG lor --- HEBE really rocks.完全被她的歌声征服了耶~~~天籁啊天籁!!!连 Ella 自己都有说 Hebe 是她的偶像呢... HAHAHA!!!

到目前为止我的人生里最爱的歌还是 我爱你.真的超爱抒情摇滚的啦!!!

"我爱你 我想去 未知的---任何命运"

天啊!!! AIYO whatever lar.

再忙也要和 S.H.E---

"哪里都一起去 一起仰望星星
一起走出森林 一起寻找回忆
一起误会妒嫉 一起雨过天晴
一起更懂自己 一起找到意义

Monday, January 17, 2005

Sky arh... You know what. It was drizzling this morning. Then mornings are quiet mah. Then I was like... Listening to 我爱你...? ---我撑起所有爱 围成风雨的禁地 挡狂风暴雨 想让你喘口气--- Then I was like... OMG!? I love this song SO SO MUCH.

Cannot tahan 抒情摇滚 lor!!! It's like --- OH! MY GOD~~~!?

Then I was very focused on listening to the song over and over again such that I got a shock when someone tapped me on my shoulders... HOHOHO.

Whatever lar! During E MATHS today I was like LAUGHED until MY TEARS came out ok!?
Because Dan and me was like... OMG this teacher is hopeless...

"Any question?"
"Any question?"
"Any question?"
"No respon (she always fails to pronounce the sssss... sound) huh"

Then I was like: OH!!! MY GOD!!! Why would she wanna be a teacher, AT ALL!?

Ok I know it's bad... But she is PARTLY responsible as well what. It's like, sometimes I, HAIYAH ok lar answer her, but she also like treat us like air lidat just carry on talking her stuff~~~Though she does answer students' questions lar... OK. At least she is doing her job...

But really leh, I practically laughed until I was like... Erupting?
Because it's just so damn funny when I think abt the ridicule of the situation!
Then I was like, unbelievable how she would behave at home... Then Dan was like, she would say to her child "Eat arh eat arh..." And I added on "Hungry anot?" "Want to eat anot?" "You want food right?" etc etc... I mean as in, kept on picturing her talking talking talking with virtually no one answering her...

Then it's like she told us to do all this exercise in cls right...
Then everyone was like busy doing, while she kept on talking. Then when I finished - Looked up - Er, what was she talking abt? I thought it was Question 8, but later then I realized she was like talking abt... DUNNO WHAT?

Then I'm like OMG why didn't she even gave us time to do our work...!?

So hopelessly 哭笑不得 lor~

And Dan was like saying maybe she very 温驯 in sch when everyone ignores her... But very violent at home... And I acted it out for her --- 拍桌子 (最近好爱拍桌子哦), "Why didn't you answer my questiont!? It's good enough that everyone ignores me at school!? HUH!?" --- HAHAHA~~~It was like so HOPELESSLY hopeless lor.

Omg I was really laughing until my tears came out man~~~So stupid.

做老师做到酱子还有任何意义吗...? HAIZ. At least Lim Leong relief also contact time with us a lot~I mean, really, the most basic thing I would request of a teacher is to treat us like humans, and DOES bother abt at least, say, our academic results...?

Whatever lar! It's like so OMG lor~

Oh ya then Mr. Soon kept on lecturing lecturing us nowadays. So 烦 lor. I really despise those people who go abt breaking rules and all that just because they are cool leh. I mean, if you ARE cool, it comes from the inside, alright? Omg it's like so HOPELESSLY childish lor OH OH OH hahaz.

I mean, I DO wonder how they are raised lor. No VALUES at all. It's like, even though my mom was so "lax" on me and me being so lazee, at least I have a PROPER SET of values incorporated into my mind. But those peeps hor, I think they are just like, without a mind of their own and go abt doing stupid stuffs trying to "proof" and "show off" their dare or whatsoever or just to gain the recognition of their WONDERFUL group of friends. I mean, COME ON --- Like I told my mother, if ONE day a friend of mine ASKS me to commit a crime or what, FROM THAT VERY MOMENT ON --- He or she is like, NO LONGER considered as a friend to me ANYMORE. AT ALL. TOTALLY. NO MATTER WHAT. Basically the only ending conclusion for this will be: BYE BYE.

I mean, I think the thing is that, RESPECTing other people's personal rights and freedom of choice etc. is BASIC in any relationship. Therefore it's like, you expect me to do something that I SERIOUSLY don't want to do? --- OMG that is like GET AWAY from me you freak!

Ok. Then back to the issue at hand. Omg I feel like I'm doing expository writing here HOHOHO. But I would mostly likely fail if I submitted this in for O'lvl hahaha.

I mean, it's like --- I don't see the need to go around like... DELIBRATELY breaking rules? You know that rules serve a purpose, for a general cohesion of a whole group, if you want to be cool you can also be cool in MANY other ways... I mean, ok you may feel that this rule can be taken down... But then if nobody ever places the RESTRICTION there, everyone would just keep on stretching the limits then HOHOHO 1st day in school we see a crowd with rainbow-coloured hair, the next day the girls' skirts go so up that there is basically NO NEED to even wear it at all... And etc. etc... Basically with the lack of a restraint there such atrocities will lead to offenses such as... I don't want to list it here leh bWaHaHa!!!

Omg I sound SO MUCH like a... Lecturer. But come on! I'm just talking sensibly. Alright. I really seriously do not see the point in like, maybe being the coolest person around and living off the say, like, "worship" of mindless and sensely adolescents who will one day grow up to regret the HOPELESSLY hopeless teenage hood they once had. HOHOHO. Life is too precious to be wasted on such crap.

I mean, instead of trying to wear your skirt all the way up and looking like some prostitute hanging around waiting to be hooked (omg this is so harsh but I'm just EMPHASIZING & exagerating lar)... Isn't your time BETTER spent on for example reading and cultivating er... 修养...? WOAH. It's like the only job that allows you to walk around scandulously dressed next time will be none other than prostituition I guess. (I'm so sorry for mentioning this again.)

But on the other hand, I also see nothing wrong with people wanting to express their individuality lar. So the above "words" hor, serve as a reference and something to think abt only. HEEHEEHEE.

I mean, I think I'm the sort of person who DOES NOT enjoy going around and trying to change people, preach them etc. etc. Or make people see things my way...? Because I just think that is so... Abundant? I have my own view of the world. You have yours. That's that. And though we are different, we are both human, therefore we can live in harmony. bWaHaHa. Provided that you don't OFFEND me sErIoUsLy.

So that's that lor. I do encourage everyone to take some time everytime to ponder abt your own actions and the world and basically life a lil you know...? If not I think it'll be like, OMG why am I so busy for...? You know, operating like a machine non-stop without the least bit of knowing of what you are doing.

That is like - OH MY GOD SO SAD! Your brain goes wasted! Humans are diff. from BEASTS because we use our brains, we think, and we are able to make our own choices.

Aiyo actually now I do realize EXPOSITION is the style of writing for me leh HAHAHA.
Because like I said, I don't see the point in getting people to see my point; I don't see the point in persuading people - Why don't you just leave them alone and I'm happy enough that I have my own opinions...?

Therefore discursive writing is more ideal for me. bWaHaHa. I'm never a person with a super FIRM standpoint anyways. Because I see the various aspects of an issue and I'll be like --- Actually anything does not matter at all what HAHAHA.

Anyways, actually I feel that my mom has really TRULY given me a life. Some people live up to "replicate" their parents or whatsoever, but well, I'm just so F R E E. It's like really lor~Sometimes I talk to my mom I'll be like OMG we are so DIFFERENT. She has TOTALLY failed in shaping me. I shape myself. I decide for myself how I wanna be like. And god knows how much good deeds she must have done in her past life to have given birth to a daughter like me bWaHaHa!!!

AIYO dunno lar. Oh my god I can really go on non-stop like this. I mean, really leh, because I totally THINK THINK THINK a whole lot, if I put all of them down, it'll be like ----- The VAST and ENDLESS universe of CEJ's mind.

Sky arh.我是个有思想的人好不好~~~才不像这世上的一些人一样,忙了一大辈子都不懂自己到底是为什么而忙碌为何而活.如果将来我必须为了家庭而拼命工作啊~我不希望我的理由是为了维持生计.而是因为我很爱我的家人.同样的一件事,理由的不同是有很大的分别的好不好?就比如结婚啊,不是为了派遣寂寞而且人老到想死的时候想有人帮忙买棺材了而是会希望一辈子都可以和一个人在一起 and then 每天早上醒来第一个看到的人就是他有没有?...实际上的差距很大呢!!!我觉得一种是很空洞很机械化很没有内容的人生.而另外一种完全是~~~天啊~~~幸福到想死.


可是很难讲勒.事实和梦想是有极大极大的差距呢. But --- So far as I'm concerned, I don't care.

可是 hor~本人最大的问题也是想太多真正去做的很少... HAHAHA. Whatever!

Oh ya then I watched the 公主复仇记 le! I think the concept quite cool lar. Though the movie was like rather adult... But KK lar~Don't be childish. HAHAZ.

I mean, certain scenes was really well-shot with very nice background music lor. Then I simply think that GILLIAN rox!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!

But in the end I still can't really grasp the purpose and motive of certain actions taking place in the movie anyways. Then the movie also make me rather muddle-headed. Cuz there's like a lot of similar scenes repetitive scenes flashbacks that reflect something etc. etc. etc...

Whatever lar! But it's also rather worth a watch lar. For killing time bah. But some parts ARE cool to me lar. HEEHEEHEE!!! It would have been perfect if Gillian was single inside... Ok I'm crapping if she was single the entire show would not have happened at all HAHAHA.

Sky arh 我好爱看电影 orh... I think that movies are like, have the ability to put me into this other world, a diff. style of living, etc... I can immerse myself in it and move with the flow of the plot. And that is like - OMG.

Just hate TV serials. Whole day long DRAG DRAG DRAG. So KNS lor.

Sky arh! Then I'm really starting to like ANGELA CHANG's songs leh. That is like... OMG!?

Oh ya, then adding on to what I was talking abt earlier on hor... I think that it's like, there's a huge diff. btwn doing something because you WANT to do it and doing something bcuz everyone else is doing it and you HAVE to do it you know...?

But then it's like at times we also have to do things the way everyone else says it should be done lar... Because it's like no man is an island of his or her own...? So therefore it's like... ERM. WHATEVER. How you want to live your life is still up to you, basically it's still a choice of being yourself or following others.

So that's that lor! HAHAHA. That's what I mean by nothing is like definite in life? It's all a matter of choices and perspectives alright.....


Lazee to talk more... Must be off to homework le. DILIGENT me.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

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bWa!!! FINALLY done with SS, English and... Etc.
Only left --- STUDYING for PHYSICS exam tml. AARGH!!! I should have prepared for this long ago... Now I have to cram in last minute le... =.=

Ok tml I will have to start studying for A MATHS also...


Oh ya I spent quite a few hours decorating my Journal lor... Because it's like, once I DO want something to be done myself, I get SUPER perfectionist-ic over it... Super ultra mega fussy jiu4 dui4 le... I mean, it's like, even when I do POWERPOINT SLIDEs I'm like OK every slide must have the same format... Words must be centralized... Must have general cohesion... Etc. etc... As tedious as can be.

And once I started getting so... FUSSY abt things, I usually go at it for HOURS.

Therefore I ONLY finished my work uptil now. Partially. I'm intending to throw in more stuff to my Journal next time round... HEEHEEHEE. Currently the back is a SERIES of Xiao Bin Bin and the front S.H.E ***Hebe***... bWaHaHa!!! Hopefully I wanna add in more Xiao Bin Bin and Gillian and MYSELF next time HAHAHA.

Whatevers! Off to PHYSICS! MAGNETISM. Oh my god it's like I HATE this topic...? Cannot TAHAN drawing. I love CALCULATING.

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完全被 Gillian 美到了~~~我觉得 齐天大圣孙悟空 里面啊,她&Charlene的造型都是超靓的!!!好塞雷!!!
OMG 我已经倾向 台湾+香港 化了...如果是中国化的话应该是:俺以为这两位姑娘都很沉鱼落雁闭月羞花 HAHAHA!!! XD~~~


Aiyo I'm really starting to like ANGELA CHANG le. :|
Because my Hebe recommended her album... I went to listen... Ok, not bad actually.
Then I KINDA LIKED her 2nd album. I figure her voice is PRETTY... Nice. And my GILLIAN actually liked one of her songs also. Therefore I'm like OH OH OH.

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OMG!!!小斌斌 is like so super duper super ultra mega cute lor...

And his character inside MY BROTHER is like so filial... Though he expresses it in a really... *Unique* way. XD And WAY TO GO! - He turned down the girl, bWaHaHa. The movie would have been PERFECT if the girl wasn't there, so sad... HAHAZ.

Oh my god... You know what? I actually COMPLETED my English Journal homework, a hefty 400 words that seemed impossible, and in the end I wrote even more than expected... HOHOHO 我好骄傲哦~~~

Whatevers lar! And mind you, I already made sure my handwriting is 80% er... What's that word...? Illegible? Or whatever?... Sky arh --- 我有被我自己酷到的感觉耶...


Whatevers!加油吧~~~No one else can help you if you don't help yourself... So 本人在努力奋斗当中,哇哈哈...

哦天啊我好空虚哦~~~好久没有玩 PS2 了...
我决定了!接下来的几天要省吃省喝买 game 玩顺便减肥~~~然后重点是我最近真的真的很破产...我还要买 like S.H.E 的 ENCORE DVD 啦,演唱会 CD DVD 啦 等等等呢...!!!

Oh! My GOD~~~我要开始很虔诚地存钱了.
真的很空虚耶!!!好久没体验那种在 "另个世界" "生存" "战斗" 的快感了~~~ :(
我也还在期待我的 STAR WARS: KOToR 2 呢!!!

天啊...我刚刚在收看 S.H.E 在台湾一个慈善筹款活动的演出
一霎那间真的是有一股很强烈很澎湃的友情感从心底涌出呢!!!而且是那种千军万马之势的流动,带着泊泊的感动...流遍全身,在心里生根,让我真的不得不爱 S.H.E~HOHOHO.
因为她们演唱的是她们在演唱会里 perform 的<<朋 友 组 曲>>... Hebe...*还是*很美. XD

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明天心也要作伴 也要勇敢
只要是情意够长 缘就不短
常常联络 不准懒散

明天心也要作伴 也要自然

我最喜欢 欢迎找麻烦

天啊太爱 S.H.E 了~~~她们好赞哦.
太酷了啦!!!友情好棒哦~~~就算若干年后,是一个人走在街头,看着一张张陌生的脸孔,至少曾经有人作伴吧. Oh whatever! S.H.E ROCKS~~~~~ (:

重点是以后不管生命把我带到了哪里,我永远都不会觉得寂寞,因为我可以一直一直地听 S.H.E 的歌 bWaHaHa. ^.^ 那我就可以活得很快乐了 HOHOHO.

天啊~~~~~~~~~人生真美好.因为有 S.H.E. XD!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Oh my god... //Back from watching MY BROTHER.
I think the movie was really touching leh... at the scene whereby 小斌斌 is like: "Why was I borne? It's not like I wanted to be born..." etc. etc...

Therefore I like this one much better than Taegukgih... Actually~

Then there was also a scene whereby a heavily wounded 小斌斌 struggles to pull his brother up... Who was also lying in a pool of blood. Then it's like they showed the flashback of what actually happened and OMG --- It's like --- 4 words --- 痛心疾首 --- Crept into my heart. Because it's like, after all that's happened, 小斌斌 is relieved, brothers understood each other etc. etc... And IMMEDIATELY it's goodbye forever... It's like... OMGGGGGGGGGG lor... :( Really very 痛心疾首 lor... Sky arh... :(

This is one of those drama movies that didn't bore me out or what. Because I get bored watching to drama, unless they have plenty of action & humour in it... I think this movie IS worth watching. (:

It's like~One of those shows to do with kinship that actually *touched* me. Cuz personally I never ever even watched some show abt families b4. The very idea BORES me out totally. I went into the cinema because of 小斌斌, then I come out... "OMG..."

Then after that hor, we went to Kino... Saw a lot of S.H.E mags and I'm like !!!!!.
I also saw this GILLIAN mag... I wanna buy leh! But it's 9 over... And I'm BROKE. So... Anyways I have it in my comp.

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The article was something abt what... They say she very 迷信 one. As in to do with horoscopes and all that lar. And I'm like OMG OMG then she would LOVE me a lot bWaHaHa because it's GEMINI (me!!!) vs. Aquarius (21st of Jan... bWaHaHa!!!)...

Aiyo~She's really my 新欢 leh~Did I mention that I've been watching 齐天大圣孙悟空 because of her...? HAHAZ... Though her character inside is really like, stupid & retarded.

ANYWAYS! Then after that arh, Dan & DA ZUI BA went to Coffee Bean. While Gordon and me were like still up to some STAR HUNTING. Then we walked aroudn trying to find that shop in TAKA. Because it's like I never quite remembered where that shop is because everytime I went there I have someone else to lead the way then therefore I never learned to get there with someone else... Etc. etc... Then we walked all the way UP. "EE??? No leh..." "我有很严重的预感应该是楼下"... Said me as we looked at the KINO up one storey. "Because I remembered it's below KINO" Then we walked all the way down again, I mean taking escalators. Then both of us called Ng Lang Lang to ask for the direction. Then I heard as B1. Then Ng Lang Lang was like call back Gordon later on asking why he called her, so stupid lor HAHAZ. Then we walked one whole round around B1 and then Gordon called Ng Lang Lang again --- It's B2. Then FINALLY - We saw it.

And then and again - We walked ALL THE WAY UP to KINO, THRU' KINO, BACK TO THE SAME OLD EXIT THE FOUR OF US LEFT FROM EARLIER ON and RETRACED our footsteps because we were like - Eh? Where's Coffee Bean. But it's like at least I remembered it's on B1 lor... Then I'm like: OMG!?!?!?... "Ok let's pretend that we are 精神奕奕 later on and don't let them know what kind of 路痴s we are..." It's like so stupid lor... I can't imagine first we walked all the way up then all the way down then all the way up then down so that we finally found them in the end... HOPELESS until a certain standard le. TOTALLY. Then I bought this mag with TWINS. HOHOHO 真的好爱 Gillian 了啦~~~ ^.^ 因为我觉得她超美的...

Then we dilly-dallied around talking...



大嘴巴(to 女鬼):S.H.E里面你最喜欢哪一个?

Gordon:有分别吗? HAHAHA

Etc. etc. lar... Then Gordon was like, TOTALLY 潜意识变态 lor. He was like tearing the bits of paper up, you know, on those plates, and then putting them into the cup!? And I was like looking at them with a look of UTTER DISGUST...

Oh... Then they were also starting to talk abt smiles... Then 大嘴巴 was like...

Me:还是笑不出来耶...什么都看不到 (because Dan is a ghost)...

And he was like fluttering his eyelids with a pervert smile and I was like, gave him an utter look of disgust lor. Cannot tahan~OMG!!!

Oh ya then on our way to TAKA right, actually, there was this 4 girls who walked up to us. One of them was like jumping up and down pleading us so hardly. But I was like: No feeling. My face was emotionless and I just walked straight-ahead without any thought of stopping, ever, at all.

It's like after all these years of walking around ORCHARD hor, I'm like, even if anyone DOES approach me, no matter HOW hard they try, I would just ignore them and walk MY WAY. bWaHaHa. They 可怜 also not my problem~Who ask them to bother ME.

Anyways basically we just crapped crapped crapped...
Oh ya, did I say that I'm like... UTTERLY disgusted by 大嘴巴 & DAN nowadays...!? They are like "霹雳火" "霹雳火" whole-day long and I'm like: !?!?!?!?!?!?!?...

UTTERLY disgusted... Hahaz.....

Oh~Whatevers~~~天啊~~~好爱 S.H.E + 小斌斌 + Gillian + Others 哦...

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